


  1. To ensure the efficient and effective management of the consortium through the implementation of the project’s governance and decision-making structures.
  2. To ensure effective communications both internal (within the consortium) and external (liaison EDCTP and third parties).
  3. To identify any aspects requiring attention to the appropriate bodies; including responsiveness of the project by ensuring the prompt shift of the PANDORA Consortium to an “epidemic mode” to respond to outbreaks.
  4. To monitor consensus and alignment of research priorities with policy makers and public health bodies in Africa, Europe and other global partners; gender equality matters and training are adequately addressed.
  5. To ensure that the contractual, project management and financial aspects of PANDORA consortium are carried    out in an efficient, transparent and correct manner.

  1. To organise a stakeholder meeting & systematically assess the capacity development and training needs of all participating states.
  2. To equip core clinical and laboratory personnel in close collaboration with public health authorities working at major national referral centres with the skills and knowledge to diagnose and treat patients with emerging infectious diseases, and develop mobile lab capacity.
  3. To establish a community of research personnel, including biomedical scientists, lab personnel, epidemiologists and clinical researchers, to undertake surveillance studies and in the event of an outbreak, to rapidly design and implement clinical trials.
  4. To develop and disseminate multilingual training materials and tools that can have impact across the continent, for both current and future front-line personnel.

  1. To improve patient management (IPC, diagnostics algorithms, etc) and clinical research at the clinical sites for EID.
  2. To support National Stakeholders in the development of standardized management protocols and guide interventions should a large epidemic springs.
  3. To provide a platform for the prompt implementation of  scientifically sound and rigorous studies (including controlled trials) during epidemics.
  4. To provide to Health Authorities a map of risk integrating human, animal and environmental data though integration with vet WPs.

  1. Identification and GIS mapping of zoonotic hot spots.
  2. Priority setting of zoonotic diseases according to geographical region.
  3. Epidemiological studies and determining the risk factors of zoonotic diseases with potential to cause large epidemics.
  4. Strengthening of the surveillance system for zoonotic diseases.
  5. Digital epidemiology and participatory surveillances of selected zoonotic diseases
  6. Strengthen of ONE HEALTH approach

  1. Needs assessment on key zoonoses in the participant countries, identification of key gaps, opportunities.
  2. Clinical trials designed with respect to 4-6 zoonoses and 4-6 gaps and opportunities in 2-3 partner countries.
  3. Clinical trials implemented in partner countries.
  4. Dissemination of results through to private sector, funders, health NGOs, academic communities, and government for policy development and role-out of interventions. 

  1. To develop a common understanding of the need for and existing systems of best practice for data collection, collation, sharing and analysis to inform disease outbreak management.
  2. To create a real time data sharing platform for disease outbreaks building on existing best practice.
  3. To support mechanisms for rapid data sharing during disease outbreaks in collaboration with national and supranational partners such as the African Centres for Disease Control.
  4. To develop harmonized and adaptable databases to allow rapid sharing of high quality clinical trials data and biological samples across sites.
  5. Develop and strengthen analytical capacity to handle large clinical trials, surveillance and biological samples data from consortium members and associate programmes.

  1. To analyse the role of health system governance structures, organisational dynamics and networks between the human health, animal health and environment sectors(consistent with a One Health approach) in addressing challenges to build national, regional and pan-African laboratory, public health and clinical trials capacities for the rapid investigation of EID outbreaks with epidemic potential.
  2. To understand perceptions of EID risks and the level of support for specific interventions to address the impact of outbreaks among key One Health policy stakeholders.
  3. To identify the existing multi-sectoral strategies (financial, service delivery, human resources, technology and information systems) and institutional capacities for building appropriate levels of preparedness and response to EID outbreaks.
  4. To investigate the barriers that impede rapid and effective responses to EID outbreaks and the uptake of capacity building mechanisms developed through the other work packages.
  5. To support the other work packages of this project by developing evidence-based, contextually-appropriate policy options
  6. To set up robust ethical, regulatory and administrative systems in each regional hub ready to assess and approve rapid response protocols from the Network
  7. within 48-72 hours.
  8. To ensure regional capacity is strengthened and maintained to respond efficiently and equitably as resilient emergency planning from the EDCTP and
  9. associated organisations requires.
  10. To develop and ‘harmonise’ the ethical and operational rules regulators and ethics committees should use to inform the prior and expedited approval of a range of protocols from the Network.
  11. To identify operational ‘pressure points’ and streamline administrative practices in gaining research authorisation, to create system that is both flexible and durable.