

Najmul Haider

Masters of converting coffee into customer satisfaction

Postdoctoral Researcher

Royal Veterinary College

Research interests: Vector-borne disease modelling, Viral haemorrhagic fever, Epidemiology of zoonotic diseases

Najmul Haider is a Veterinarian, epidemiologist, and a public health researcher working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Royal Veterinary College, United Kingdom. Najmul is conducting primary research in PANDORA-ID-NET with a concentration on "ONE HEALTH". Najmul is working on Lassa fever virus epidemiology in West Africa, chikungunya virus in central Africa and COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan African Countries. Najmul received his PhD from Technical University of Denmark in November 2018. Najmul's PhD research was on modeling vector-borne disease (Bluetongue & Schmallenberg virus in Danish livestock and Setaria tundra in Finnish reindeer) transmission potential in Northern Europe with a special emphasis on microlcimatic temperature. Before his PhD, Najmul worked as a researcher at International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR.B) in collaboration with US CDC.