

Franklyn Nkongho

Masters of converting coffee into customer satisfaction

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

University of Lincoln, U.K & HerpeZ, Zambia

Research interests: Bovine Tuberculosis, diagnostics, clinical trials and infectious diseases

Franklyn is a postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Life Sciences, University of Lincoln, U.K. His background is in Mycobacteriology and diagnostics, and has substantially contributed in the knowledge of bovine tuberculosis in Cameroon. He is part of Dr Matthew Bates’ research team working on diagnostic development and molecular epidemiology in partnership with HerpeZ, Zambia. As a postdoctoral researcher for PANDORA, he is interested in improving health and diagnostic capacity in LMICs through clinical trials and biomedical research on infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, neonatal sepsis and viral infections.