

The Fondation Congolaise pour la Recherche Médicale (FCRM) was created as a legal entity in 2008 to address the issue of the limited number of Congolese scientists conducting health research activities in the Republic of Congo. FCRM is an independent non-govermental institution. The foundation has a collaboration agreement with both the Congolese Ministry of Public Health and Minsitry of Science and Technology, as well as the University Marien Ngouabi (the only Public University in the Republic of Congo).


The decision-making body is the Conseil d’Administration (Board of Directors) led by the founders. Overall direction is guided by an Administrative and Executive Board led by the Executive director appointed by the Conseil d’Administration. The day to day management is overseen by the Executive director with the assistance of an Operations manager, an Administrative and finance manager, a logistics officer, a project manager and an administrative assistant. The financial accounts unit is subject to independent financial audit biennually. The foundation raises funds through grants and donations to address its objectives. FCRM is in charge of the Molecular Biology- and Parasitology laboratories of the Faculty of Heath Sciences overseeing the personnel, research activities and maintenance of facilities. FCRM further serves to strengthen collaborations between academic, research and health institutions in Congo and advocate for public and private sector support to health research in the country. Regionally, FCRM coordinates the Central Africa Network on Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and Malaria (CANTAM), a network of excellence aiming to develop capacities for clnical research. Since 2018, FCRM hosts also the PANDORA-ID-NET coordination. Both consortia are funded by the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP2).


Three facilities host the activities of FCRM. These comprise: 

(1) a molecular biology lab established at the Faculty of Health Sciences University Marien Ngouabe

(2) a health facility including clinical research facility

(3) a centre for infectious diseases research. 


The focus of activities at FCRM include:

1) molecular epidemiology related to malaria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and HIV pathogens.

2) bacterial and viral infections in diarrheal infections.

3) basic immunological responses to identified pathogens.

4) Studies related to co-infections