

Alimuddin Zumla

Masters of converting coffee into customer satisfaction

Founder Director, PANDORA-ID-NET consortium 

 Co-Principal Investigator

University College London
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Research Interests:   Emerging and Re-Emerging infections with epidemic potential, TB, TB/HIV co-infections, coronaviruses (MERS-CoV,SARS-CoV), Tropical Diseases, Poverty-related diseases, Global health advocacy, Host-directed therapies

Sir Ali is dually qualified in Medicine(MBChB) and Science(PhD). He is accredited in internal medicine, infectious diseases and clinical immunology. He was born in Fort Jameson, Zambia (British Northern Rhodesia). As a BEIT Scholar he completed an MSc in Tropical Medicine(Distinction & Mugratroyd prize) and PhD(Alan Woodruff Medal) from The London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. After 4 years as senior registrar at the Hammersmith Hospital, RPMS, London, he spent 3 years as Associate Professor at the University of Texas, Houston, USA, & Visiting Professor at UTH in Lusaka, Zambia. He joined UCL in 1994 where he pioneered and championed the discipline of ‘Global Health’ at with significant effect winning numerous medals, awards and prizes for his effective global networks for tackling poverty related diseases and zoonotic pathogens with pandemic potential. He is a lead global advocate for developing fair and equitable North-South partnerships and ideated and developed the PANSORA-ID-NET consortium.

Sir Ali is the recipient of the 2020  Mahathir Science Award in Tropical Medicine.  Further details of his awards and honours can be found here.